The scientific talent of Castilla y León shows results: Flor Álvarez Taboada has directed a high added value service in the company Garnica from León
The professor and researcher of the University of León, Flor Álvarez Taboada, presented, at the third national meeting of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) of Spain, held in Gijón (Principality of Asturias), the experience carried out with the timber sector company Garnica, in the town of Valencia de Don Juan (León). A ‘success story’ that began with a customized training workshop, continued with a proof of concept for a forest inventory using a mobile laser scanner and ended with the acquisition and implementation of this technology in the company’s day-to-day operations. It was one of the seven ‘success stories’ presented at the conference, in this case as a technological service in the agroforestry field with future scaling to the industrial field.
The initial challenge, given that there are few eligible companies in the forestry sector, was the difficulty in getting them to request the services offered by DIGIS3 and, on the other hand, to ensure that, once the initial service was funded, they would continue with the digitization process.
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