The ‘Populus Adapt’ project studies in El Bierzo the adaptation of poplar trees to climate change and improve their performance
The University of León (ULE), through the DRACONES research group of the Ponferrada Campus and with the collaboration of the ULE Tech-Circular Chair, the Energy City Foundation (CIUDEN), attached to the Institute for Just Transition (ITJ) and dependent on the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), through the Technology Development Center located in Cubillos del Sil (León), the Public Society for Infrastructure and Environment of Castilla y León, S. A. (SOMACYL), a public company attached to the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Planning of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, and the companies Bosques y Ríos, dedicated to poplar plantation and management, and ID Forest, dedicated to forest biotechnology, have signed a collaboration agreement to develop a research and knowledge transfer project on adaptation to climate change of commercial clones of poplar (Populus x spp. ), by determining the level of resistance to water stress of different poplar clones and possible response strategies for their improvement.